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I reached Nilangshu's place at 10.30. Going through his rich collection is a delight. There is very little of RDB that he does not have. Saurav C alongwith his sister arrived at 11 and were shortly followed by Amit and co. We got to hear unusual numbers from Nilangshu's treasure. All through Saurav was ribbed a lot, his sister being the chief tormentor with active support from Nilangshu. Souvik finally arrived with a recording of Pm's Oriya numbers. We got to hear to hear these songs for the first time. After lunch, Nilangshu took the guitar with his cousin Tublu at the tabla and Saurav C
The only time Nilangshu sang was to do a mean rendition of Dada Burman's Mono naa (Jaane
kya tune kahi in Hindi) to his mother's, a great SDB lover, consternation. Time just flew.
It is a measure of. Badalda's high regard for Nilangshu that he came with his family and
also brought with him two personal albums with rare photos of Pm. Saurav C. had warned us
that Badal da is reticent in talking about Pm. He must have felt the Pancham vibes in
the air because he opened up and talked at length about Pm. We were like little kids with
free run of a candy store. The photo albums are a panchamite's delight. You get to see a
different Pm, young and more importantly a happy Pm, relaxing, at work, at club, on holidays,
with various stars. Two photographs of KK by the side of Dada Burman at the time of his death
stand out . They capture KK's anguish and his sense of loss, which is beyond description.
Saurav C was not done with Nilangshu, so he chose to sing Bade acchhe lagte hain for Badal da. Nilangshu as usual had the last word by declaring Saurav C's rendition better than Amit K's. Nabanita sang chain se hum ko superbly whilst Mrs Bhattacharya got into the spirit and sang Monay pawrey Ruby Ray. The icing on the cake was Nilangshu playing Qatra Qatra on his synthesizer, which Sauvik was quick to notice, was the tune as Pm sings in the Gulzar album.Hopefully one will get to hear more of Nilangshu on his synthesizer. A great time was had by all. A ton of thanks to Nilangshu, Madhumita and Nilangshu's mother and man of the match Saurav C and all the folks who came for making the day a memorable one. Dikshit |